Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gold Mine Gutted


When you're on the run from the Tall, Skinny man, time seems to....stop, or move faster. Your life completely halts, and it never restarts again, but you move on. You're stuck on a set track, untill He comes and finally takes you, as if you were playing into his hands the entire time.

(You always hear the ticking of the minute hands as he watches)

But I'm moving towards the suited demon. I'm looking for his influence, I'm looking for his servants, I'm looking for everything and anything that could weaken him.

Though I'm not looking for him, personally. If I run into him, so be it; I'm not afraid. But he is not my goal. I could care less about his antics, or anything even remotely caused by him. So what if he's taking children? There's nothing we can do about it, so why fight it?

(They used to sacrifice children, yknow)

I'm hunting. Every day, I get closer to my two targets. They cling to their master, afraid of death.

But I'll fix them.

If I was going against the two targets alone, I'd be at a disadvantage. But I've got a partner too. Not romantically, of course. She wants revenge too, but she doesn't let it consume her. I don't know why, but I'll find out. She lives out west, and when I need a place to crash, I can usually count on her.

I may need a place to crash soon. Lost their trail.

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